Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Begger Or I

This is based on real story:

I met a beggar while going to work.. daily I see him sitting on the road side distance from his family around 10 feet..
I see him spending time with 2 daughters and wife, having food on the road side, sleeping on the foot path.
One day, when I was late from office as usual and was walking by the street, I saw him sleeping on the footpath a thought came to my mind to compare myself with him:

I see him begging for food.. I have food but no time to eat
I see him spending time with his family.. I am busy for comfort of my family.. feeling alone
I see him having meal together with family.. I am usually alone almost for all meals..
he begs for today.. I work for future which I don't know if it is there..
he cry for money but have deep sleep.. I have lot to spend but have lack of sleep
He begs for food.. I have lots in my refrigerator but still wondering what to eat
He don't have money for medicine.. I have more medicine then money..
He is a father and I am too.. he see kids playing and I see mine sleeping..
He is alone with family.. I am lonely in my family..

Although he begs .. and I earn,  he has something in life which I don't have for my family.. that is Time...

Please do share this to all and spend time with your family because Life insurance can guarantee money but not time..